Price list


Effective exercise and well-thought-out training plans. Our trainers will be a huge support to you in achieving your goals.

Training 1 h: 45 €
Season ticket 10 × 1 h: 390 €
The first season ticket comes with a free InBody measurement.

Training 1 h with Master Trainer: 65 €
Season ticket 7 × 1 h with Master Trainer: 385 €

Master Trainer – Trainer with specialization and certification of the world’s top training and rehabilitation systems. Trainer of trainers with more than 10 years of experience in the field.

Training for 2 persons 10 x 1 h: 580 €
Training for 3 persons 10 x 1 h: 660 €
The first season ticket comes with a free InBody measurement.


You can get rid of back pain by doing the right exercices. Try our exercises suitable for spine pain, lower back pain, joints pain or after injuries pain.

Exercise 1 h: 40 €
Season ticket 6×1 h: 215 €

We are not a medical facility and do not provide medical services.
We offer exercises with a physiotherapist.


Long-term sustainable and effective diet plans that we will put together for you based on measurements and diagnostics of your body.

3-month nutrition plan and 1x InBody measurement: 110 €


Since real results require regular check-ups, we use the most modern body composition measuring device InBody S370. Thanks to this, we can check whether the plan have the desired effect on your body. InBody S370 is one of the most accurate diagnostic devices that maps the body composition in detail. It measures, for example, subcutaneous and internal fat, muscles and basal metabolism.

InBody: 25 € / IKKOS client: 15 €

“The best investment you can make is in yourself.”
Warren Buffet